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University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Indigenous Medicine

Terms of Reference




The Standing Committee on Indigenous Medicine at its 37th Meeting held on 04th March 2013 having discussed the Terms and References of the Standing Committee and recommended the same for the approval of the Commission.


To provide a consultative forum that can effectively address issues of learning, teaching, research and staffing in Indigenous medicine in Universities /institutes on Sri Lanka at Undergraduate and postgraduate levels


The functions of the Standing Committee on Indigenous medicine are.

  1. To assist in the formulation and dissemination of policies, practices and procedures and to initiate actions on policy directions issued by the UGC from time to time and take steps to implement prescribed initiatives, Programmes and activities at Institute, Department and Unit level.
  2. To evaluate proposals submitted by institutes, Departments and units teaching Indigenous medicine with respect to curricular reforms and curriculum for new study Programmes and submit recommendations to the Commission.
  3. To propose timely changes in curriculum, evaluation and revision in indigenous medicine study programs.
  4. To encourage creation and dissemination of avenues for research and publication.
  5. To promote research, innovations and outreach Programmes for regional/ national development.
  6. To promote and facilitate the transfer of new knowledge and technology developed in HEIs to the community.
  7. To promote networking and strategic partnerships between HEIs, treatment centers, industry and private sector.
  8. To evaluate proposals submitted by Institutes for the establishment of new Departments/ units and submit recommendations to the Commission.
  9. To function as a catalytic unit to promote new initiatives and reforms to improve and advance quality and relevance of teaching/learning/research both undergraduate and post graduate Degree Programmes on Indigenous medicine and convey to the Commission for consideration


Members Information

Membership Name Designation University/HEI
Chairman Prof. (Ms.) Vasanthy Arasaratnam Commission Member Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Kokuvil
Secretary Mr. H.D. Rasika Karunarathna Deputy Secretary/Academic Affairs University Grants Commission
Prof. Wasantha Gunathunga Director Postgraduate Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Prof. (Mrs.) P.A. Paranagama Director Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Prof. M.S.M. Shiffa Head/Unani Section Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Dr. K.C. Perera Head/Ayurveda Section Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Dr. (Mrs.) Thayalini Thileepan Head/ Siddha Medicine Unit University of Jaffna
Dr. W.A.L. Chandrasiri Welivita For Director Gampaha Wickramaarachchi Ayurveda Institute
Dr. W.M.B. Weerasuriya Senior Lecturer Gampaha Wickramaarachchi Ayurveda Institute
Dr. N. Varnakulendran Actg. Head/ Siddha Medicine Unit Trincomalee Campus
Mr. K.D.C.S. Kumaratunge Ayurveda Commissioner Department of Ayurveda
Mrs. Swarna Kaluthotage Deputy Director Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute
Mrs. Pushpalatha Menike Additional Secretary (Administration) Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine
Dr. Harsha Dharmawijaya Traditional Practitioner in Indigenous Medicine Hela Weda Piyasa
Prof. G. Mikunthan Director/IQAU University of Jaffna

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