11th February, 1991.
Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes.
The University Grants Commission having considered matters pertaining to severe shortage of staff in the Higher Educational Institutions, especially in the Faculties of Science & Medicine, decided that the teachers who spend their sabbatical leave locally be permitted to undertake teaching/research activities in other Higher Educational Institutions on contract basis, during the period of such leave.
In such instances, the Higher Educational Institution concerned should negotiate with the teachers whose services are considered necessary, on matters pertaining to the programme and length of the period of teaching, remiinprations, etc. The payments should be made in the form of an honorarium and should be met purely out of the savings of the unfilled teaching posts in the Department concerned.
The Commission further considered the heavy work load carried out by the academic/administrative staff of conventional Universities in the year 1990 to clear the backlog of students, who sat the Advanced Level examinations in 1986, 1987 and 1988.
In order to compensate such staff, the Commission decided that the period from 1st January 1990 to 31st December 1990 be reckoned as two years for the purpose of calculating sabbatical leave entitlement of those eligible for such leave and who have contributed to this task during the year 1990.
Assistant Lecturers, Lecturers and any other grades of staff who would become entitled to sabbatical leave after promotion may count the whole of the period for which they worked during 01.01.1990 to 31.12.1990 (01 year or less as the case may be) as eligible service for the purpose of computation of sabbatical leave entitlement after promotion.
The provisions of Commission Circular No.408 of 20th October 1989, will continue to operate where they are not inconsistant with the provisions of this Circular with regard to sabbatical leave.
Please take action accordingly.
(Mrs CS Karunaratna - Secretary)
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- Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
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- Auditor-General
File No: UGC/E/6/10/3