University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Commission Circular No: 887

09th May, 2007.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Rectors of Campuses,
Directors of Institutes.




Your kind attention is invited to Commission Circulars No. 636 of 14th July 1995, No. 642 of 11th September 1995, No. 661 of 11th January 1996, No. 743 of 30th September 1998 and No. 822 of 13th March 2003 regarding rates of payment for Postgraduate Examinations conducted by the Universities and Higher Educational Institutes.

The University Grants Commission at its 722nd meeting held on 09.11.2006 approved the revised rates of payment as set out in the attached schedules to this Circular in respect of Postgraduate Examinations conducted by the Universities and Higher Educational Institutes.

The revised rates of payment should be made out of generated/earned income from Postgraduate Degree/Diploma and related Programmes conducted by the University/Higher Educational Institute.

The revised rates of payment will be effective from 1st May 2007.

All previous Circulars issued by the Commission in respect of payment for Postgraduate Examinations are hereby rescinded.


(Prof. Gamini Samaranayake)


Copies to:

1. Chairman's Office / UGC
2. Vice-Chairman/UGC
3. Members of the UGC
4. Secretary/UGC
5. Deans of Faculties
6. Registrars of Universities
7 . Financial Controller/UGC
8 . Bursars of Universities
9 . Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/ Institutes.
10. Deputy Registrars/ Snr. Asst. Registrars/ Asst. Registrars of Campuses/Institutes
11. Deputy Bursars/ Snr. Asst. Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Campuses/Institutes
12. Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
13. Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
14. Snr. Asst. Int. Auditors/Asst. Int. Auditors of HEIs
15. Secretaries of Trade Unions
16. Auditor-General


File No: UGC/IUA/2/PGS/3

Download this file (Circular887Annex.pdf)Annexed Schedule[ ]58 Kb

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