University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Commission Circular No: 570

20th April, 1993.



Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes.
Directors of Affliated University Colleges


Your attention is drawn to Commission Circular Nos. 536 dated 6th August 1992, 523 dated 23rd June, 1992 and Establishments Circular Letter No. 37/1990 dated 15th October 1990 issued in respect of the above matter.

The University Grants Commission at its 372nd meeting held on 18th December 1992 decided :

(1) to allow those who are in receipt of Risk Allowance at present to continue to receive the allowance until they cease to be employees in the University system as personal to them, and

(11) that the Risk Allowance will not be paid to any new appointees or any other categories of employees, as the amended Workmen's Compensation Ordinance applies to all employees in the University System.

The above decisions of the Commission are effective from 1st February 1993.

Please take action accordingly.

( Mrs CS Karunaratna - Secretary )


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Faculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • Ffinancial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes;
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretary/FUTA
  • Secretary/UEOA
  • Secretary/IUTUF
  • Auditor-General