University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 755

30th November, 1999.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Rectors of Campuses,
Directors of Institutes.



1. Your kind attention is invited to Commission Circular No.750 dated 27 th August, 1999 and Establishments Circular Letter No. 08/1999 dated 5th October 1999 issued in connection with the rectification of salary anomalies in 1999.

2. The salary conversion tables prepared in line with the para 6.1 of Commission Circular No.750 are sent herewith. These salary tables are applicable to the University employees with effect from 01.01.1997. Steps should be taken to convert the salaries of employees accordingly.

3. Please note that in addition to the converted salaries, the frozen Backlog Clearing Allowance (BCA) was paid to a segment of employees in the University System and it was later replaced by the Monthly Compensatory Allowance (MCA). For the purpose of calculation of salaries of these employees, guidelines are given in paras 6.1 (a) (b), 6.2 (a) (b) and 6.3 (a) (b) in this circular.

4. Please also note that the arrears of salary for the period 01.01.1997 to 31.12.1998 will be paid when the additional monetary provisions are provided by the Treasury in the financial year 2000 as decided by the Cabinet of Ministers. Arrears of salary for the period from January 1999 to 31 August 1999 will be paid in first half of December 1999.

5. The following sections of the paragraphs 8 and 14 of the letter No. NBD/SC/2 dated 27 th February 1991 of the Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Planning with regard to the payment of combined allowance and Railway Warrants and Holiday Travels (Annex I of Commission Circular No.703) are amended as follows;

8. Combined Allowance :

The combined allowance should be paid at the following revised salary steps of the 1997 New Salaries.

1997 New Salaries (per annum) Combined Allowance
Rs.42,720 and less Rs.150
42,721 to 66,300 Rs.180
Rs.66,301 to 1,18,439 Rs.230
Rs. 1,18,440 and above Rs.280

14. Railway Warrants and Holiday Travels :

The class of accommodation will be determined as follows:

1997 New Salaries( per annum)

1st class - An officer drawing Rs.85,440 and over

2nd class - An officer drawing Rs.62,340 and over

3rd class - All others

Note : Holiday Travel

The salary step of Rs.22,920 appearing in the Public Administration Circular No.37/92 of 24.12.1992 should be replaced by the step of Rs. 44,640 p.a. with effect from 01.01.1997 (See Section 1;1 of Chapter XVI of the Establishments Code).

6. The methods of calculation of arrears of salary are given in paras 6.1 ( c ), 6.2 (c ) and .6.3 (c ) as illustration 1,11 and 111 respectively.

6.1 Illustration 1

In the case of those who are on a salary scale with an initial step of less than Rs.7,500/- p.m viz ,A-07,A-08,A-06 ( a),
A-09,A-10, A-l 1 ,A-12,A-13,A-14 and A-15.

Period Salary Payable in terms of Commission Circular No. 755
(a) 01.01.1997-31.12.1997 Salary indicated in column No.7 in conversion tables sent along with this circular plus(+) Frozen Backlog Clearing Allowance
(where applicable) in conversion tables sent along with Commission Circular No.717.
(b) 01.01.1998-31.08.1999 and thereafter Salary indicated in column No. 8 in conversion tables sent along with this circular plus (+) Monthly Compensatory Allowance
(where applicable ) in conversion tables sent along with Commission Circular No.750 as amended by Establishments Circular Letter No.08/1999.
(c) Method of calculation of arrears from 01.01.1997 to 31.08.1999.
1st Step = 6.2(a) + 6.2(b)
2nd Step = salary, allowance and Rs 2000/- paid in terms of general circular Letter No.C/99/03 dated
17th May 1999.- Toatal Deductable
Arrears payable = Subtract second step from first step.

6.2 Illustration 11

In the case of those who are on a salary scale with an initial step ofRs.7,500/-or more per month viz: A-01, A-01(a) , A-02,A-03,A-03(a), A-03 (b ), A-04 ,A04(b),A-04(c) ,A-04(d),A-05,A-06 and BS-01,BS-01(a), B S-02,BS-03,BS - 04 and C-01,C-02,C-03 and other B grades ie, B-01,B-02,B-03(a),B-03,B-04(a), B-04, B-05,B-09 ,A4(a),A5(a)

Period Salary Payable in terms of Commission Circular No. 755
(a) 01.01.1997-30.06.1998 Salary indicated in column No.7 in conversion table sent along with this circular plus (+) Frozen Backlog Clearing Allowance
(where applicable) in conversion tables sent along with Commission Circular No. 717.
(b)01.07.1998-31.08.1999 and thereafter Salary indicated in column No. 8 in conversion tables sent along with this circular plus (+) Monthly Compensatory Allowance
(where applicable) in conversation tables sent along with Commission Circular No.750.
(c) Method of calculation of arrears from 01.01.1997 to 31.08.1999
1st Step = 6.2 (a) + 6.2 (b)
2nd Step = salary , allowance and Rs 2000/- (if applicable) paid in terms of general Circular
Letter no. C/99/03 dated 17th May 1999. and equalization allowance (if applicable ) given in terms of Commission Circular No. 708 & 709.
Arrears payable = Subtract second step from first step.


In the case of Teachers defined in the Universities Act ,who are on a salary scale with an initial step ofRs.7,500/- or more per month viz ; (Academic Grades) B-01(a),B-01 , B-02,B - 03,B-03( a ) , B-04(a) and B-04.
Period Salary Payable in terms of Commission Circular No. 755
(a) 01.01.1997-30.06.1998 Salary indicated in column No.7 and 30% Academic Allowance in column No.8 (i.e. column No-9) in conversion tables sent along with this circular pl u s( + ) Frozen Backlog Clearing Allowance (where applicable) in conversion tables sent along with Commission Circular No.717.
(b)01.07.1998-31.08.1999 and thereafter Salary indicated in column No.l and 30% Academic Allowance in column No. 10 (i.e. column No. 11) in conversion tables sent along with this circular plus (+) Monthly Compensatory Allowance (where applicable) in conversion tables sent along with Commission Circular No.750.
(c) Method of calculation of arrears from 01.01.1997 to 31.08.1999
1st Step = 6.2 (a) + 6.2 (b)
2nd Step = salary, allowance and Rs 2000/- (if applicable) paid in terms of general Circular
Letter no. C/99/03 dated 17th May 1999. and equalization allowance (if applicable ) given in terms of Commission Circular No. 708 & 709.
Arrears payable = Subtract second step from first step.

7. The Higher Educational Institutions / Campuses / Institutes are advised to send separate statements to the Financial Controller of the UGC indicating following infonnation:-

1. Financial statements indicating the extra cost to implement the salary adjustments and other allowances including UPF.ETF, if any, separately for the

(a) year 1997

(b) year 1998

(c) year 1999 ( January to August )

11 . Statement of extra cost necessary on the basis of this circular for the payment of arrears of interim allowance paid in terms of Commission Circular Nos.712 and 715.

Please take action accordingly.

( Prof. S. TILAKARATNA - Chairman )


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Faculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • Financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes ;
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

File No: UGC/HR/2/9/86


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