You are here: Policy Commission Circulars Circulars Published in 1997 - [695 - 723] Commission Circular No: 697

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Commission Circular No: 697

30th January 1997

Vice-Chancellors of Universities
Directors of Institutes.
Directors of Affliated University Colleges


Your attention is invited to Commission Circular Nos.655 and 684 dated 13th December 1995 and 16th July 1996 respectively by which sub paragraph 1.2 under (A) introduction of Commission Circular No.547 dated December 21st 1992 was amended.

2. It has been decided that the last date on which an applicant can give the option to be assessed in terms of Commission Circulars No.194 and 302 for promotion to the posts of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor be extended until further notice.

3. Accordingly the sub paragraph 1.2 referred to in Commission Circular No.684 is amended as follows:-

"1.2. This Circular is to take effect from the 01st January 1993. However, the existing Circulars, No. 194 and 302 will also remain in force until further notice. An applicant has the option to decide till such time under which Circular he/she should be assessed."

Please take action accordingly.

( prof.s.thilakaratna - chairman)


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Faculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • Financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes;
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

File No: UGC/HR/2/3/94