You are here: Policy Commission Circulars Circulars Published in 1997 - [695 - 723] Commission Circular No: 698

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 698

31st January 1997

Vice-Chancellors of Universities
Directors of Institutes.
Directors of Affliated University Colleges


The Cabinet of Ministers has decided that all external recruitments following the University system be made from a list of candidates compiled by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in accordance with the qualifications laid down in the approved schemes of recruitment of the University Grants Commission.

01. Clerk -Gr.lll

02. Typist-Gr.lll

03. Stenographer -Gr.11

04. Trainee Technical Officer

05. Trainee Dental Name

06. Farm Mechanisation Assistant - Lower Grade

07. Field Supervisor - Gr.11

08. Library Assistant - Gr.lll

09. Data Entry Operator - Gr.11 Seg.B

10. Shroff - Gr.III

11. Store Keeper - Gr.lll

12. Telephone Operator Cum Receptionist - Gr.11

13. Driver- Gr.11

2. You are kindly informed to adopt the following procedure in making external recruitments to the above posts.

Step 1: University/Institute will inform the UGC the particulars of the posts to be filled (i.e. the post and the number of vacancies) .The UGC will in turn, request the Ministry to send the University/Institute concerned a list of candidates with appropriate qualifications as per approved schemes of recruitment. All correspondance in this regard should be sent for the attention of Deputy Secretary/Human Resources in the UGC Secretariat.

Step 2: The University/Institute will select suitable candidates from the list of candidates provided by the Ministry on the basis of written/trade test which carries a mark of 75% and a structured interview which covers the balance 25% marks.

3. The above recruitment procedure will be effective from the month of February 1997.

4. The procedure indicated below should be followed hereafter in making external recruitments to the minor employee grades specified in Commission Circular No:643 dated 20th September ,1995.

Step 1: This should be as same as the step 1 in para 2 above.

Step 2: The University/Institute will select suitable candidates from the list provied by the Ministry on the basis of a structured interview.

The other conditions stipulated int the Commission Circular No:643 dated 20th September will continue to b e valid.

( prof.s.thilakaratna - chairman)


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Faulties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • Financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes;
  • Snr. Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Snr. Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEIs/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Audi tor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr. Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

File No: UGC/E/6/3/6