ඔබ සිටින්නේ : ප්‍රතිපත්ති මූල්‍ය චක්‍රලේඛ ලිපි 2009 Finance Circular Letter No. 5/2009 - Additional Information

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Finance Circular Letter No. 5/2009 - Additional Information

22nd September, 2009

The Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes,
Rectors of Campuses.




This refers to the Finance Circular Letter No. 5/2009 dated 26th May, 2009 on the above matter.

In addition to the information required by the above circular, you are kindly requested to submit the information on construction projects and rehabilitation & improvement of capital assets according to the following formats.

  • Construction Projects – continuation – Annex A
  • Rehabilitation & Improvement of capital assets – Annex B

Information submitted with amended formats will not be accepted. Bursars/Registrars of the universities or Deputy Bursar/Senior Assistant Bursars of the Institutes are requested to submit this information on or before 1st October, 2009.

This letter of request together with the Annexes available for download at www.ugc.ac.lk

Prof. S.V.D.G. Samaranayake


Financial Controller/UGC
Registrars of Universities
Bursars of Universities
Snr. Asst. Registrars/Asst. Registrars of Institutes/Campuses
Snr. Asst. Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Institutes/Campuses
Snr. Asst. Accountant/UGC

Download this file (Annex A (i) , (ii) & Annex B.xls)Annex A and B[ ]41 Kb

විශේෂ සබැඳුම්

සුදුසුකම් පිළිගැනීම