You are here: Policy Establishments Circular Letters 2009 Establishment Circular Letter No. 11/2009

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Establishment Circular Letter No. 11/2009

December 15, 2009.

Vice-Chancellors of Universities
Rectors of Campuses
Directors of Institutes.



Your kind attention is invited to the letter No. UGC/C/PS/07 of 03.04.2009 and Establishments Circular Letter No. 09/2009 of 13th November 2009 on the above subject.

The Commission having reviewed Establishments Circular Letter No. 09/2009 of 13th November 2009 decided to delete paragraph 1(d) of the same. Accordingly, the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes should recommend only the most essential applications with adequate justification for travel abroad through public funds, in respect of following categories until further notice;

1. Air passage for the following:

    (a) Lecturers (Probationary) and Senior Lecturers to proceed abroad to read for Masters Degree and Ph.D if it is a requirement for their confirmation and next promotion;

    (b) Sabbatical leave under the approved conditions according to circulars in force; and

    (c) Training programmes offered through Department of External Resources (ERD) and UGC approved agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) .

2. Incidental allowance ie. US$ 25 per day as per the provisions of existing Treasury Circulars.

3. Warm cloth allowance, where applicable.

Higher Educational Institutions/ Institutes are requested to take a note of the above decision and make arrangements for foreign travels through public funds with utmost care in order to minimize the utilization of such funds due to financial constraints faced by the Government.

Please note that Establishments Circular Letter No. 09/2009 of 13th November 2009 is hereby rescinded.

(Prof. Gamini Samaranayake)



  1. Chairman’s Office/UGC
  2. Vice-Chairman/UGC
  3. Members of the UGC
  4. Secretary/UGC
  5. Deans of Faculties
  6. Registrars of Universities
  7. Financial Controller/UGC
  8. Bursars of Universities
  9. Librarians/ SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/ Institutes
  10. Deputy Registrars/ Snr. Asst. Registrars/ Asst. Registrars of Campuses/ Institutes
  11. Deputy Bursars/Snr. Asst. Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Campuses/Institutes
  12. Chief Internal Auditor/UGC
  13. Govt.Audit Superintendents of Universities
  14. Snr.Asst.Int.Auditors/ Asst.Int.Auditors of HEII
  15. Secretaries of Trade Unions
  16. Auditor –General

File No: UGC/HR/6/2/7