University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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Commission Circular No: 396

28th April, 1989.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes.


I have pleasure in informing you that the Hon.Minister of Higher Education, Science & Technology, with the concurrence of the Cabinet, has approved the recommendation made by the Salaries & Cadres Committee for an adjustment of the consolidated salary scales of t he teachers of the universities implemented with effect from 1st January, 1988 taking into consideration new maximum and minimum salary points. In conformity with the prevailing practice in the Universities the salaries of the Administrative Officers from A-01 to A-04 have also be e n adjusted suitably by the University Grants Commission.
02. These adjusted scales will come into operation with effect from 1st January , 1989.
03. The new salaries of A-05 to A-14 implemented with effect from 1st January, 1988 were further revised in September, 1988 also with effect from 1st January, 1988 and arrears due to the employees were also paid under Commission Circular No. 380 of 30th September, 1988.
04. This Circular replaces with effect from 1st January, 1989 :
(i ) the salary scales of the academic staff and the administrative staff given in Circular No.368 of 17th May, 1988.
(ii) the salary scales of the University Teachers (Medical & Dental) given in Circular No. 392 dated 18th January, 1989 : any arrears due for the period before 01.01.1989 are to paid based on the scales given in Circular No. 392. After 01.01.1989 they are to paid based on the scales given in this Circular (No.396).
05 . The old C grades of salaries hitherto applicable to the Medical Teachers and Medical Officers have been abolished. The new C grades to be retained henceforth would be in respect of the Medical Officers of the University Health Services.
06. fill teachers and others imparting instruction have been classified under the 8 grades. With regard to B grades of salaries the follo w ing changes should be noted:-
(a) On appointment Assistant Lecturers (probationary) will be placed on a fixed salary of Rs. 3900 /- p.m.
(b) An Assistant Lecturer (probationary) who has completed one year of satisfactory service as certified by the Head and the Dean could be designated as Lecturer (probationary) and be placed on the scale of Rs. 4500-1.0x200-6500 p.m. by the Vice-Chancellor. A Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine on first appoint­ment should be placed at two steps above Rs. 4500 /-, i.e. Rs. 4900 /- on the B-04 salary scale.
(c) A teacher will not be eligible to earn increments beyond the 3rd year of his service unless he has registered him­self for a Post graduate Degree which would ultimately entitle him to a promotion to the grade of Senior Lecturer Grade II in accordance with the schemes of recruitment and procedure for appointment and any relevant Departmental requirements.
(d) A Lecturer on probation w ho is placed on this scale should obtain the required postgraduate qualifications for promotion to Senior Lecturer, Grade II [formerly Lecturer (non-medical) and Senior Lecturer, Grade II ( medical )] , and should have served for a minimum period of five years satisfactorily as Lecturer before being placed on the salary scale Rs. 8000-5x250-9250 p.m. except those referred to in para (e) below.
(e) A grade of B-04(a) has been created to provide for:
i. Lecturers who have obtained their academic qualific­ations of M D or MS and are awaiting Board Certific­ation.On obtaining Board Certification they should be placed on the initial of the B-03 salary scale, back dated to a date two years after obtaining MS or MD.
ii. Lecturers who have only a 2 year research degree. They will have to satisfactorily serve t wo years in the B-04(a) grade and show evidence of further research before entering the R-03 grade. This requirement will apply to new recruits and those registering for post­graduate degrees after 01.10.1989.
(f) In respect of the administrative grades, those on the A-04 scale will have 3 y ears notice from the date of this Circular that they should satisfy an Efficiency Bar requirement before they could earn a further increment or be promoted to a higher grade. The University Grants Commission and the Higher Educa­tional Institutions/Institutes which employ A-04 grade officers shall be responsible for informing the officers concerned, and implementing these requirements.
(h) The Officers in the administration in the grade of Senior Assistant Registrar or equivalent have been classified into two grades as A-03 and fl -03(a). fi n Officer will b e eligible for promotion either to A-03(a) or a higher post provided he satisfies an Efficiency Bar at any time after he has completed the 7th step of fl-03.
07. Rule s made by the University Grants Commission in respect of schemes of recruitment and procedures for appointment will be revised b y the Commission in due course in consonance with the new salary adjustment.
08. The new salary scales replacing the present salary scales are given in schedule1 annexed to this Circular.
09. The present salary adjustment should be converted to the appropriate salary point on the new salary scales on a step for step basis as indicated in (schedule the sake of convenience, conversion tables for salary scales of the Administrative and Academic Staff numbered 1 to 21 are annexed.
10. The incremental date of those to whom this circular applies remains unchanged.
(a) In addition to the above new consolidated salaries, teachers in the Faculties of Medicine and Dental Sciences will continue to be paid as an allowance, the difference between the salary drawn by them and the corresponding salary point and pensionable allowance of the Consultants of the Ministry of Health as specified i n Commission Circular No. 392 of 18th January, 1989 and the letter dated 25th January, 1989. This allowance may be paid to Chief Medical Officers and Senior Medical Officers of the Higher Educational Institutions, provided they have satisfied the requirements specified in paragraph 5 of the Commission above. However, teachers in the and Dental Sciences who are in Rs. 14000 /- p.m. are not entitled to this allowance as they will be drawing the maximum salary payable.
(b) Teachers in the faculties of Medicine and Dental Sciences who are in B-04 grade shall in addition to their salary be paid an allowance of Rs. 1000 /- -p.m.
12. No teacher/officer/other employee shall be eligible to receive increments beyond the maximum of the salary scale applicable to him.
13. Contributions to the Universities Provident Fund should be calculated on the basis of the new salaries with effect fro m 1st January, 1989. The allowance payable under paragraph 11 (a) above should be taken into account for this purpose and for computing any other payments.
14. The allowance payable under paragraph 11 (b) above should not be taken into account for the purpose of Provident Fund contributions or for computing any other payment.
15. Unless revised by the University Grants Commission or provided for in this Circular, existing Efficiency Bars will operate as at present , but at the corresponding salary step of the new salary scales.
16. The combined allowance will continue to be paid as at present.
17. The recoveries of half-pay and no-pay leave should continued to be computed as at present but on the basis of the new salaries with effect from 1st January, 1989,
18. The payment of gratuity should be computed on the new salaries as from 1st January, 1989 on the existing basis of calculation as specif i ed by the Commission.
19. The other provisions of Commission Circular No. 368 of 17th May, 1988 shall, MUTATISMUT ANDIS, apply to and in relation to other matters where they have not been dealt with in this Circular.
20. The Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes are advised to send a statement indicating the extra estimated cost to implement the 1989 salary adjustments and other allowances payable, to the Accountant/UGC to enable the Commission to make a request to the Treasury for allocation of funds required.
21. Any anomalies resulting from the conversion of new salary scales should, in the first instance, be forwarded to the Head of the relevant Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes. The Head of such Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes should examine these requests and refer only such cases where anomalies exist, to the Secretary/UGC on or before 30th June, 1989 for consideration.
(Prof. APR Aluwihare - Chairman)
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