University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 408

25th October, 1989.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes.


This Circular (2) has been modified by Circular No : 465

The Commission having considered the provisions of granting Sabbatical Leave embodied in Commission Circular No.7A of 28th April, 1980 decided to amend the provisions of granting Sabbatical Leave including the amendments made so far. Sabbatical Leave may be granted by the Governing Authority of the respective Higher Educational Institution/Institute on the recommendation of the Head of the Department/Oean/Registrar/Secretary, UGC as appropriate.

02. The following categories of the staff shall be eligible for Sabbatical Leave:-

1. Senior Professor
2. Professor
3. Associate Professor
4. Senior Lecturer - Grade I
5. Senior Lecturer - Grade II
6. Any Lecturer not being a Teacher with medical qualifications, appointed or promoted as such prior to 1s t January, 1989.
7. Librarian
8. Deputy Librarian
9. Senior Assistant Librarian
10. Secretary, Director Planning & Research, Additional Secretary, Depute Secretary, Statistician/Econometrician and Senior Assistant Secretary of the Commission.
11. Accountant, Chief Internal Auditor, Deputy Accountant and Senior Assistant Accountant of the Commission
12. Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Senior Assistant Registrar of a University
13. Bursar, Deputy Bursar, Senior Assistant Bursar and Senior Assistant Internal Auditor of a University.
14. University Medical Officer.
15. Director of Physical Education
16. Curator - Higher Grade
17. The holders of such other posts as the Commission may determine

03. In regard to the granting of Sabbatical Leave, the Commission has decided that a total period not exceeding 5 years during their career be granted to the members of staff who are entitled to Sabbatical Leave. This may be onthe usual Sabbatical Leave basis or by substituting a period of no-pay leave of double the duration of Sabbatical Leave, e.g. 2 years no-pay leave instead of one year Sabbatical Leave with pay. Those entitled will not be able to take leave for more than two years at any given time.

Officers who are promoted and become eligible for Sabbatical Leave will also enjoy the same benefits.

04. Those who opt to take two years no-pay leave will also be entitled to avail themselves of the p a ssage as Indicated in the present regulations. (Paragraph 10(a) to (d)).

05. Subject to sub-paragraphs (a)(b) and (g) below of this paragraph entitlement of Sabbatical Leave shall be determined in the following manner -




Sabbatical Leave of 4 months duration with pay after 3 years and 6 months of service or 8 months of Sabbatical Leave with no-pay.




Sabbatical Leave of 8 months duration with pay after 5 years and 6 months of service or 1 year and 4 months of Sabbatical Leave with no-pay.




Sabbatical Leave of one year's duration with pay after 7 years of service or 2 years Sabbatical Leave with no-pay



Sabbatical Leave should terminate and the Teacher/Officer shall resume duties before the 64th Birthday in the case of Teachers and before the 54th Birthday in the case of others.



Each period of leave without pay spent abroad in excess of the leave granted for any purpose shall be deducted from the Sabbatical Leave entitlement.



Those who are already on Sabbatical Leave, are entitled I to take an equivalent period of no-pay leave, provided they refund the salary already paid before the grant of such no-pay leave or authorise the Secretary/UGC, to deduct with immediate effect an equivalent amount a & certified by the Registrar/Senior Assistant Registrar of the Higher Educational Institutions concerned from the Provident Fund balance of the Teacher or Officer concerned.



The past services of a Teacher/Officer or other employee of any Institution who has been appointed to a Higher grade in the same Institution should be counted in determining his Sabbatical Leave entitlement and be granted such leave notwithstanding the fact that he may be on probation, provided such past services was in a category/grade which is counted for determining Sabbatical Leave the teacher/Officer concerned.



The past services of a Teacher/Officer or other employee any Institution who has been appointed to higher grade in another Institutiion shall be counted in determining his Sabbatical Leave entitlement, but shall not be granted such leave so long as he/she is on probation, provided such past services was in a category/grade which is counted for determining Sabbatical Leave of the Teacher/Officer concerned.



When leave without pay has been granted to accept an appointment or assignment under the Government of SriLanka, the period of such leave shall be reckoned as service for determining the Sabbatical Leave entitlement under sub-paragraph (a).



In determining Sabbatical leave entitlement of a Teacher who had joined the staff of any Higher Educational Institution from the staff of any Research Institute in Sr i lanka, credit will be given to the period of his service to such Research Institute provided that he was eligible to Sabbatical Leave as a member of the staff of such Research Institute.

06. In granting Sabbatical Leave, the Governing Authority shall ensure that not more than one third of the eligible staff of any Department of Study shall be on such leave at any given time, but an exception to this reguirement may be made where the eligible staff of any Department of Study is less than three in number.

For the purpose of this paragraph -

"eligible staff" shall mean the staff eligible to Sabbatical Leave under paragraph 2. AND

"The Department of Study " shall include the General Administration, the Library and any other administrative , acadamic or service unit.

07. Sabbatical Leave shall not normally be granted in advance of the date on which the applicant would become eligible for such leave.

08. Periods of Sabbatical Leave and/or the periods of service for Sabbatical Leave entitlement may be accumulated. The passage given however will be in terms of paragraph 10.

09. Teacher/Officer may split the Sabbatical Leave and avail them­selves of such leave in two instalments (e.g. an officer entitled to one year Sabbatical Leave may avail himself of 3 months or longer period at a particular time and carry the unused Sabbatical Leave to be utilized at a subseguent occasion ). However, they are entitled for passage only once, according to the period of service as given in paragraph 10(a )- No Teacher/Officer shall be on leave for more than 2 years continuously.



A member of the staff who has been granted Sabbatical Leave to be spent abroad shall be eligible to receive passage in respect of such leave on the following basis, provided that he shall not have received passage from any other source for the same purpose;-



(i) one-half of the full passage for leave granted after 3 years and 6 months of service .



(ii) three-quarters of the full passage for leave granted after 5 years and 6 months .



(iii) full passage for leave granted after 7 years of service.



The spouse of a member of the staff proceeding abroad on Sabbatical Leave who accompanies such member or subsequently joins such member, shall also be paid passage determined on the basis specified in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph provided that such spouse shall not have received passage from any other source for the same purpose.



Before passage is paid to a member or the spouse of a member of the staff under the proceeding sub-paragraph, it will be the responsibility of the principal executive officer of the Higher Educational Institution or Institute concerned, to satisfy himself that such member or the spouse of such member shall not have received, or shall receive passage from any other source for the same purpose.



In the event of an additional payment being required by virtue of the extension of the validity of 1 years return ticket because of the period of Sabbatical Leave being more than 1 year, such different shall be reimbursed by the Higher Educational Institution/Institute concerned provided the Higher Educational Institution is given prior notice.



Subject to the proceeding sub-paragraphs, passage shall be paid from Colombo to the port of destination and return, and the passage so paid shall be equivalent to the cost of the cheapest ticket for travel by air subject to prevailing government regulations.

Where passage is paid by the Higher Educational Insttution/Institute concerned, such Institution shall purchase the return tickets for members of the staff and where applicable of such member's spouse.



Notwithstanding the fact that he/she is eligible for passage, any member of the staff of the Commission or of a Higher Educational Institution or Institute who had joined the service of a Higher Educational Institution before 01.10.1968, or who had been a Public servant prior to 01.10.1968 and had been thereafter absorbed into the service of the Commission or a Higher Educaitonal Institut i on or Institute and who has been in continuous service thereafter, shall also be eligible to receive holiday railway warrant s in respect of himself and his family in accordance with the regulations governing the issue of such warrants, but the total cost of all the holiday railway warrant s utilized by such member and his family shall be deducted from the passage payable to him in terms of the paragraph 10.



However, the above provision will apply to any member of the staff who is entitled to Sabbatical Leave and who has utilized the fac i lity of Holiday Railway warrants after issuing of this Circular.

13. The provisions of Commission Circular No. 74 of 28th April, 1980 and the subsequent amendments made to it with regard to Sabbatical Leave ,are hereby rescined with the implementation of this Circular.

14. This circular will come into effect as from 1st July , 1989.

(Mrs CS Karunaratna - Secretary)


  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Fulculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes ;
  • Snr.Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs /Campuses
  • Snr.Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEI a/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Audi tor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr.Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

File No: UGC/E/6/10/3