University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Commission Circular No: 410

30th October, 1989.


Vice-Chancellors of Universities,
Directors of Institutes.


The Commission its 274th meeting held on 19th September 1989 decided to implement the Cabinet decision relating to the re-employment/ extension of re-employment of State and Corporation employees. In term s of the Ca bL;tt !t ; decision, the Committee of Secretaries consisting of -
Secretary to the Ministry of Finance (Chairman & Convenor) ;

Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils & Home Affairs ;

Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Co-operatives ; and

Secretary to the Ministry concerned
will approve all requests for re-employment of retired Government and Corporation employpes. Only cases which are rejected by the above Committee and which the relevant Minister still considers essential may be referred to the Cabinet by the relevant Minister.

All requests for re-employment/extension of re-employment of employees should be made by the respective Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes the annexed format in triplicate and sent to the Commission Secretariat along with the recommendation of the Governing Authority in keeping with the guidelines given in Commission Circular No.346 of 01st June 1987.

(Mrs CS Karunaratna -Acting Secretary)

  • Chairman/UGC
  • Vice-Chairman/UGC
  • Members of the UGC
  • Secretary/UGC
  • Deans of Fulculties
  • Registrars of Universites
  • financial Controller/UGC
  • Bursars of Universities
  • Librarians/SAL/AL of the Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes ;
  • Snr.Asst.Registrars/Asst.Registrars of HEIs /Campuses
  • Snr.Asst.Bursars/Asst.Bursars of HEI a/Campuses
  • Chief Internal Audi tor/UGC
  • Govt. Audit Superintendents of Universities
  • Snr.Asst.Int. Auditors/Asst.Int.Auditors of HEIs
  • Secretaries of Trade Unions
  • Auditor-General

தகைமைகளை அங்கீகரித்தல்
