University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil-Sri Lanka

Circulars Published in 2021 [01/2021 and above]

தலைப்பு வடிகட்டி     காட்சி # 
# ஆக்கத் தலைப்பு
1 Commission Circular No. 12/2021 : Guidelines on Emeritus Professorship
2 Commission Circular No. 11/2021 : Retirement Age of the Employees other than Teachers in the University
3 Commission Circular No. 10/2021 : Social Reconciliation among university Communities: Establishing Centres of Social Reconciliation
4 Commission Circular No. 09/2021 : Name to be written on the degree certificate
5 Commission Circular No. 08/2021 : Scheme of Recruitment for the Post of Works Engineer (Civil)
6 Commission Circular No. 07/2021 : Interpreation of the Section 46(2) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 (As Amended)
7 Commission Circular No. 12/2020 (i): Employment of University Teachers in State Institutions
8 Commission Circular No. 08/2016 (iii): Amendments to the Schemes of Recruitment for the Post of Lecturer (Probationary), Senior Lecturer Grade II and Grade I -(Medical/Dental) and [Non-(Medical/Dental)]
9 Commission Circular No. 06/2021: Providing Protective Shoes to employees of Non-Academic Non-Administrative Grades
10 Commission Circular No. 05/2021: Recognition of Prior Learning, Credit Transfer and Lateral Entry in the context of SLQF 2015
11 Commission Circular No. 04/2021: Introduction of Early Exit or Fall-back Qualifications for an Existing Undergraduate/ Postgraduate Programme of Study
12 Commission Circular No. 03/2021: Scheme of Recruitment for the Post of Personal Secretary to Chairman/UGC and Vice-Chancellor of a University
13 Commission Circular No. 02/2021: Scheme of Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Statistician
14 Commission Circular No. 01/2021 Restructuring Bachelor of Arts(External) Degree Programmes offered by universities under the Universities Act

விசேட இடையிணைப்பிகள்
