You are here: Policy Establishments Circular Letters 2012

University Grants Commission - Sri Lanka

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# Title
1 Estb. Circular 16/2012 : Election of a Dean of a Faculty
2 Estb. Circular 15/2012 : Salaries and Allowances Applicable to the Post of Vice-Chancellor of a University
3 Estb. Circular 14/2012 : Granting of Special Leave During the Ramalan( Ramazan) Season 2012
4 Estb. Circular 13/2012 : Revision of Allowances of Government, Corporations, Statutory Boards and Project Staff as per the Budget Proposals 2012
5 Estb. Circular 12/2012 : Tailoring for Official Uniforms
6 Estb. Circular 11/2012 : Trade Union Action
7 Estb. Circular 10/2012 : Trade Union Action by Some Trade Unions
8 Estb. Circular 09/2012 : Financial Assistance for Postgraduate Studies Abroad for Lecturers (Probationary) and Senior Lecturers (Direct Recruit)
9 Estb. Circular 08/2012 : Attachment of Trainees to Public Institutions for Practical Training
10 Estb. Circular 07/2012 : Fees and Travelling of Visiting Staff
11 Estb. Circular 06/2012 : Upgrading the Post of Assistant Registrar (Library Services) and Assistant Secretary/Assistant Registrar (Legal & Documentation)
12 Estb. Circular 05/2012 : Trade Union Action by Some Trade Unions
13 Estb. Circular 04/2012 : Providing relief to public officers who face difficulties due to renovation of railway line from Galle to induruwa
14 Estb. Circular 03/2012 : Appointment of lecturers (prob) under category 4 of the scheme of recruitment
15 Estb. Circular 02/2012 : Financial assistance for postgraduate studies abroad for lecturers probationary and senior lecturers - Direct Recruit
16 Estb. Circular 01/2012 : Payment of special advance to university employees - 2012